Surf Trip?
Get Paddle Fit
Surf Trip?
Get Paddle Fit
Target your specific paddling muscles with the Surf Paddle Trainer
Adjust resistance to hit your wave catching sprint power or all-day paddle endurance
Prepare your body so it can handle the demands of a surf trip and maximise your wave count
Follow the link to check out some example workouts. We provide a range of different workouts and can customise them to suit your situation.
The Surf Paddle Trainer folds away quickly and easily. Pop it against a wall, under the bed, or on the surfboard rack. It will fit in the front passenger seat of your car when transporting.
The Surf Paddle Trainer has been an absolute game changer for me. I was struggling with my surfing due to only having time in the weekends to go surfing. My fitness was ok but my surfing fitness was below average. I’ve been using the SPT for a year now and not only has my overall surfing fitness improved dramatically, my confidence and surfing ability has leapt forward as well. I’m still not surfing that often but when I do go surfing I’m frothing and ready to go! As a result I’m enjoying surfing more than ever!.
Warren - Insurance, AucklandTraining on the SPT has brought my surf fitness to a new level.
I catch more waves, catch the waves I want and enjoy a longer surf session. I also find I recover quicker for the next surf.
The SPT is easy to use, well made and designed and is a very effective method of surf training.